My name is Piotr, a passionate pythonista and this is my blog!

    Python type annotation improvement with Generic and TypeVar

    Posted at — Oct 15, 2021
    Python typing with Generic and TypeVar

    In this article, I would like to share my favorite way of type annotating classes using typing modules with Generic and TypeVar.

    Checker installation

    First, to check python typing you can use mypy library or any IDE/editor with type checker like Pycharm.

    pip install mypy


    It is an abstract base class for generic types. A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from an instantiation of this class with one or more type variables


    It is a type variable. Type variables exist primarily for the benefit of static type checkers. They serve as the parameters for generic types as well as for generic function definitions.


    As an example, we will build a base class for our database repository, and then we will use it.

    First, let’s define our base repository:

    import abc
    from schemas.base import BaseSchema
    from tables.base import BaseTable
    class BaseRepository(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
        def _schema(self) -> Type[BaseSchema]:
        def _table(self) -> Type[BaseTable]:
        def create(self, schema: BaseSchema) -> Type[BaseTable]:
            table = self._table(**schema.__dict__)
            return table

    Now, let’s build the test repository:

    from schemas.base import BaseSchema
    from tables.base import BaseTable
    class UserSchema(BaseSchema):
        id: int
        name: str
    class UserTable(BaseTable):
        id: int
        name: str
    class UserRepository(BaseRepository):
        def _table(self) -> UserTable:
            return UserTable
        def _schema(self) -> UserSchema:
            return UserSchema
        def perform_create(self) -> UserTable:
            schema = UserSchema(id=1, name="Piotr")
            return self.create(schema)

    The problem with the above code is that every time we want to run the create method it will return the BaseTable type. You will see the error:

    Expected type 'UserTable', got 'BaseTable' instead

    We can fix this by introducing TypeVar with Generic:

    import abc 
    from typing import TypeVar, Generic
    from schemas.base import BaseSchema
    from tables.base import BaseTable
    SCHEMA = TypeVar("SCHEMA", bound=BaseSchema)
    TABLE = TypeVar("TABLE", bound=BaseTable)
    class BaseRepository(Generic[SCHEMA, TABLE], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
        def _schema(self) -> Type[SCHEMA]:
        def _table(self) -> Type[TABLE]:
        def create(self, schema: SCHEMA) -> TABLE:
            table = self._table(**schema.__dict__)
            return table

    New implementation of the UserRepository should inherit now from the base with the definition of the types we want to use:

    from schemas.base import BaseSchema
    from tables.base import BaseTable
    class UserSchema(BaseSchema):
        id: int
        name: str
    class UserTable(BaseTable):
        id: int
        name: str
    class UserRepository(BaseRepository[UserSchema, UserTable]):
        def _table(self) -> UserTable:
            return UserTable
        def _schema(self) -> UserSchema:
            return UserSchema
        def perform_create(self) -> UserTable:
            schema = UserSchema(id=1, name="Piotr")
            return self.create(schema)

    Introducing the above change we are eliminating the error and making code cleaner and better type hinted.


    This is one of many cases where this approach can be used. Feel free to experiment and play on your own. I have already used it in my previous tutorial on the example with SQLAlchemy, FastAPI, and Pydantic, check it on my github.