My name is Piotr, a passionate pythonista and this is my blog!

    Processing markdown in Gatsby with Contentful

    Posted at — May 29, 2020

    There are two most common ways of using markdown in Gatsby with a headless CMS tool.

    This post will present how to use them with Contentful service. Additionally it will include contenful image converter inside markdown.


    Amazing plugin for converting and optimaizing images from contentful into Gatsby blog.

    $ npm install gatsby-remark-images-contentful


    This is a very popular plugin mostly used for processing markdown and them placing it into the HTML. It is also usefull if you want not only process markdown but also include your own JSX components.

    Adding markdown content from CMS in Gatsby blog

    1. Install plugin
    $ npm install gatsby-plugin-mdx @mdx-js/mdx @mdx-js/react
    1. Add plugin into gatsby-config.js
    module.exports = {
      plugins: [
          resolve: `gatsby-plugin-mdx`,
          options: {
            gatsbyRemarkPlugins: [
                resolve: `gatsby-remark-images-contentful`,
                options: {
                  maxWidth: 590,
                  linkImagesToOriginal: false,
                  withWebp: true,
                  loading: "lazy",
    1. Add markdown text field into Contentful Content Type.

    Contentful markdown gatsby converter

    1. In your blog post template graphql query get markdown body
    export const query = graphql`
        contentfulBlogPost(slug: { eq: $slug }) {
          body {
            childMdx {
    1. Use markdown in blog post template component
    import React from "react"
    import MDXRenderer from "gatsby-plugin-mdx/mdx-renderer"
    import { MDXProvider } from "@mdx-js/react"
    const BlogPostTemplate = ({data}) => {
      const blogData = data.contentfulBlogPos
      return (
          <article className={classes.article}>
    1. From now on you can put your imports and React components inside Contentful markdown field. It will be automatically detected and transformed.


    Plugin powered by remark processor. It parses markdown but without included parser for React components.

    1. Install plugin
    npm install --save gatsby-transformer-remark
    1. Add plugin into gatsby-config.js
    module.exports = {
      plugins: [
          resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
          options: {
            plugins: [
                resolve: `gatsby-remark-images-contentful`,
                options: {
                  maxWidth: 590,
                  linkImagesToOriginal: false,
                  withWebp: true,
                  loading: "lazy",
    1. Add markdown field in Contentful Content Type of your blog as in previous plugin description

    2. In your blog post template graphql query get markdown body

    export const query = graphql`
        contentfulBlogPost(slug: { eq: $slug }) {
          body {
            childMarkdownRemark {
    1. Use markdown in blog post template component
    import React from "react"
    import MDXRenderer from "gatsby-plugin-mdx/mdx-renderer"
    import { MDXProvider } from "@mdx-js/react"
    const BlogPostTemplate = ({data}) => {
      const blogData = data.contentfulBlogPos
      return (
              __html: blogData.body.childMarkdownRemark.html,
    1. If you want to use custom components inside markdown you need to use additional plugin gatsby-remark-component with rehype-react which is also very simple. Full description how to do it can be found in linked documentation.


    It is your choice which plugin you will use. I have tried both and currenly I’m using gatsby-plugin-mdx for markdown processor including custom component.

    I’m also very happy with plugin for simple image optimization gatsby-remark-images-contentful. If you are looking for low cost and simple image optimalization for your blog, this is it!